Tuesday 27 January 2015

31 day challenge day 26- fishtail

Ah, another technique I've been somewhat avoiding up til now! Though this time more out of wariness than lack of interest lol.

As it turns out my wariness was reasonably well justified; i so nearly had a repeat of the blobbicure flip-out when i first tried this this afternoon. Fortunately however by the time I'd been ringing and come home is decided that i liked the effect enough to persevere and give it another go. The problem i knew i would have was judging the angle/spacing of the stripes. My initial attempt a. Looked awful because i didn't get the crisscross anywhere near central and b. Took forever because i inadvertently made the stripes really skinny lol.

Anyway onto what i actually did do. Polishes are all barry m: coconut, chai and guava. The colours look kinda different in real life...guava doesn't want to smile for the camera at all in these photos!

In the end I'm reasonably happy with this....it's certainly an improvement on version one lol. I came perilously close to a 'curse all fishtails I'm never going near this technique again' moment earlier but i tonk, on reflection, i probably would give this another go. So that's another technique checked off....which is a problem actually, given tomorrow's prompt lol. x

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