Tuesday 15 October 2013

Ocd: a mani and an intro

Nails. Let's start there.... basically lots of variations on the ocd uk logo. Plus some slightly scruffy writing... I'm not sure why but the white nail art pen comes out thicker than any of the oflthers. Also used opi my boyfriend scales walls and the orange sinful colours (I want to say big daddy? But I may be wrong lol).

Anyway the reason I'm talking about the nails first is that I'm struggling to know what to say. I have little to no personal experience of ocd.... and weirdly I'm finding it harder to write about that than bare my soul etc etc and write about my own 'stuff'. I think it's cos I know how bad a job it is possible to do when writing about mental health... and how damaging that can be. When I talk about myself I can't be wrong, it's my thoughts, my experiences and they are what they are. I'm just wary of writing about other people's experiences as if I have a clue. I've been labelled as having 'ocd traits' and told there is an 'obsessive compulsive element to my sh'. But that's about as close to genuine full blown ocd as having a down day is to major depression.
I guess I'm just anxious because ocd is very misunderstood and misreported. It's so often trivialised and seen as a character quirk, when at it's worst it can be utterly debilitating. And I'm scared of adding to that perception.
But Ho-hum onwards and upwards, however tentatively. During the week I will try and get up an ocd factbox to go with the anxiety and depression ones. Hopefully track down some links to people who can talk about it in a more erudite fashion than me. And probably share some of the things other people are doing a part of ocd awareness week. X

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